Dirty Dozen Belief Busting

Does your mind get in the way? 

Creating internal obstacles that prevent you from being, doing and having what you want to create in your life? 


If your mind is like my mind, the answer is yes.  Our minds are meant to be tools that process and store information, and play an important role in the manifestation and creation process.  Too often, the mind plays tricks on us and gets bogged down with limiting beliefs.  

We all have dreams and aspirations. Yet, our very minds, designed to serve us, can sometimes become our biggest roadblock.


Through limiting beliefs – those silent scripts that dictate what's possible and what's not.


If you've ever felt that internal nudge, the quiet whisper telling you that you're capable of more, only to be silenced by doubt, you're not alone. Our minds, potent tools they might be, can be laden with beliefs that no longer serve us.  A belief is a thought that we think over and over again and have accepted as a truth, but it doesn't mean that they are true.

What if Changing Your Beliefs Could Change Your World?

Our beliefs are the foundation with which we interpret our world.  As children, we pick beliefs up from our parents, authority figures, media and advertising, and our friends and family.  Our own thought processes and our interpretation of life experiences also shape our beliefs, that then shape our lives.  When we adopt a limiting belief - even if it is unconscious - from that moment forward, we begin to interpret our lives from the lens of the beliefs that we have accepted as true. 

I’m sure you’ve heard Henry Ford’s famous quote, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you’re right.”  Not everything we belief is actually true but often these beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies. They shape and distort what we think is possible for ourselves

Imagine unearthing the root of these beliefs, dismantling them, and replacing them with empowering truths. This isn't just wishful thinking. 

Invite more freedom into your mind with the Dirty Dozen Belief Busting program.  

If you know you beliefs are getting in the way, if you're looking for positive transformation, and are open to working with energy and the subconscious to make profound shifts, this program is for you.  

Dive Deep, Rise Free: What's Inside?

We'll release a dozen limiting beliefs and install 12 (+3 bonus) new beliefs in their place. One belief at a time to give the body-mind-spirit time to fully integrate.  Each one has a tangible shift. Beliefs about unworthiness, blame, struggle, trust... just to name a few..

  • 16 Videos: Getting Started, and 12 core belief release & re-write sessions, plus 3 bonus sessions.
  • Proven Techniques: Incorporating energy psychology, energy healing, and shamanic release techniques.
  • 3-Part System: A meticulous process that extracts negative beliefs and infuses empowering ones.
  • Members Library: Lifetime access to all session recordings. Dive in anytime you wish.

Transform your beliefs

and transform your world

for only $497 US

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Address core beliefs that have, for too long, shaped your reality. Beliefs rooted in unworthiness, blame, struggle, distrust, and more. As you release each one, experience palpable shifts in your energy, perception, and reality. 

You will definitely learn something about yourself; you will learn about the world of energy, thoughts and beliefs; you will shift some very limiting beliefs and feel some amazing transformations throughout the program.

And then, what happens when your unconscious mind has a new set of core beliefs or core values which it can then interpret life? You start to change the way you look at things, the way you interpret your life.  You start to see more opportunity.  You can finally start to look at life through the lens of adventure and possibility.

 I’d love you to be able to discover more magic in your life and help you to really step into that person you’ve come here to be… without your beliefs getting in the way.


"I’ve been doing a lot of work on myself and I was surprised by the beliefs that I had and even more surprised at how those beliefs clouded the way I viewed the world and how those clouds have affected my ability to enjoy my life. I had some pretty big shifts, and very interesting experiences connected to those shifts, through this process and I definitely learned a lot about myself. Thank you Linda."  ~Shawnnon Zacharias

"Boundaries are something I will probably have to work on all my life.  A lot of the belief busters helped with this in various forms.  I am aware more often of when others are pushing those boundaries and can now consciously choose how to react. The course was well worth doing." ~ Susan A.


"Yesterday I had a session with a Linda Lang and this morning, I realized that I shifted more in that 50 minute session with her than I have ever done. First, she’s really good at what she does, and second, I was ready to let go of whatever it was that I let go of."  ~ Grant Connolly  

"Linda's natural abilities, along with her vast trainings which she combines together in such a unique way, is unlike anything I have ever experienced before.  I have done a fair amount of personal growth work myself but Linda has helped me access some things on a deeper level than I have ever before, which is truly amazing.  Many thanks Linda." ~ Debby Jones

Listen to two clients experience and the results of my belief busting technique. 

Ready for transformation? 

Join for only $497 US

payment plan available

Why This Program?


Our beliefs are not mere thoughts; they’re the blueprints of our lives. When you shift your beliefs, you don’t just change your perspective – you change your world. The Dirty Dozen Belief Busting program offers you that key. 


Reinvent Your Reality


Learn, evolve, and discover the boundless potential that's been within you all along. Begin interpreting life with a new set of empowering beliefs. Embrace a world rich in opportunities, experiences, and magic.


Start a Revolution to Transform Your Beliefs


If you're yearning for a life where beliefs amplify your strengths rather than anchor your dreams, the Dirty Dozen Belief Busting program awaits. Together, let's ensure your beliefs serve as wings, not weights.



Step into Your Power.

Transform Your Beliefs.

Transform Your Life.



🌈 Are you ready to witness the magic of a life unburdened? Enroll Now.


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